Thursday, 22 May 2014

Furry Friend Tag

This will be my very first tag post, I am super excited about it because it's always fun to try something new and I get to tell you more about my favourite (and the cutest) puppy in the world.

1. What is your pet's name? 
His name is Max. Or Maximus as I wanted to write on his dog tag.

2. What kind of pet is it and what breed? 
He is a dog, a Jack Russell Terrier to be exact. 

3. How long have you had your pet friend?
I've had Max for nearly three years now. 

4. How did you get your pet?
A family friend's dog had puppies but she was too young to understand how to look after them so at four weeks old, Mum brought him home for me to look after. I fed him milk through a syringe for a couple of days and stayed up all night with him. He slept in any boxes or containers I could find and put beside by bed. His last bed was my washing basket.

5. How old is your pet?
He's nearly three now. The picture above was taken when he was about 12 weeks old and the one below was taken on one of his first days at home,

6. What are some quirky things about your pets personality?
He is extremely independent, although I think that's pretty common with most terriers. He likes to follow me round the kitchen while I am baking or cooking, standing directly behind me. He's not the most obedient of dogs, he will go to sleep in his own bed but manage to find his way up onto my bed in the middle of the night and snuggle himself up to any warm part of my body or in between the boy and I. He isn't very fond of small dogs, anything his size or smaller. He absolutely adores bigger dogs though. We also have a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Ollie and Max thinks he is his best friend. 

7. What does your relationship with your pet mean to you?
Absolutely everything. He's wonderful, I really do not know what I would do without him and Ollie. He can be a real pain but I'm sure I annoy him just as much. There is nothing more comforting than a cuddle with a doggie. Max and Ollie have been two of the biggest comforts to me in the hardest of times.

8. What are some of your favourite past times with your pet?
During the summer, or when the weather is nice, Brian and I will take Max out somewhere nice for the day. This generally involves a car ride and Max gets car sick, although we have remedied this problem with travel sickness tablets (we give him 1 human travel sickness tablet about 3 hours before we leave and it works a treat). The last time we took him on a big long walk, I let him off the lead for the first time. I've always been really anxious about this because as I said, he is not an obedient dog so I thought he might run off. He didn't though, as soon as I called him he came running back.

9. What are nicknames that you call your pet?
We call him Moo more than we call him Max. I can't remember how this started. I also call Ollie, Ollie Bear or just Bear.

I will leave you with a picture of my two favourites. Brian didn't like Max, or any dogs for the matter, until about 2 years ago. Now he loves him (thankfully). I hope you guys enjoyed this post, I might make another telling you all about Ollie, if you would like. 
Do you guys have any furry friends?


  1. I have a furry friend so was drawn to this post! Maximus (to give him his full title!) is adorable. He looks like he is a wee character! Shame he gets car sick :( There is nothing better than a nice long walk with your wee furry friend by your side!

    1. Thank you :) I agree, best thing in the world!
