Sunday, 15 June 2014

Seven Happy Things #5

I can't believe I've only been doing this series for a month. It seems like so much longer! Not in a bad way, I really like having a series of posts and it's a great way to round up the week. It's also the highlight of my Sunday. So, last week I told you seven things that I had been grateful for that week. I felt that the word "grateful" wasn't the best way to describe all seven things that I mentioned, so this week does include things I am grateful for, as well as things that I have just been really enjoying this week. 

1. Twitter Blogger Chats - I joined Twitter for the first time a month ago. I never saw the point of having one before I started blogging. I usually have nothing to say on social media and/or no one I want to say it to. I am so glad I did join though, my blog has grown so much in the time that I have had Twitter. Turns out I do have lots of things to say and lots of people that I want to interact with. That brings me onto the subject of Twitter Chats for Bloggers. There is one to suit every kind of blogger and a few that appeal to bloggers in general, no matter what kind of blog you run. They are such a fantastic way to interact and get to know other bloggers and become a part of the blogging community. 

2. Salads - I'm  a pescatarian, so I don't eat meat but I do eat fish. The main reason I decided to change my diet just over a year ago was because I wanted to try different foods and meals, not just stick to the same old things I've been eating for years. I knew that for me, the only way to do this would be to restrict my diet. I'm really enjoying salads at the moment, something I never would have said a year ago, I know you can have meat in a salad too, that's just something I had never had. The past two evenings I have had a salad which featured tuna, beetroot and cherry tomatoes, among other things. 

3. Travelling - When I say "travelling" I don't mean visiting different places, (I do enjoy that too but more on that next week) I'm talking about the actual journey you take to get there. I love planes, trains, car rides and I honestly have no idea why. I get really excited, the thought of the journey to get to the destination is just as appealing to me as being there. I started travelling on planes on my own when I was 13. I would go to see my grandparents in England, at that age at made me feel really independent and grown up so I think that's why I loved it so much then. 

4. Kind People - Now this is something I am grateful for. In the past few years I have lost an unbelievable amount of confidence in myself, blogging has played a massive part in restoring the confidence I had lost. Before I began blogging, I was quite afraid to talk to people. I didn't think anyone would care, I thought I would just be an annoyance. There are so many bloggers out there, I wasn't sure if it would be possible for everyone to fit in. I wasn't expecting everyone to be so kind, helpful and welcome. I have been proved totally wrong. It is a really wonderful community to be part of. 

5. The Sims 3 - I have loved The Sims since I was a child. I remember begging my Dad for the first one on the playstation 2 (we didn't have a computer) and when he finally gave in, feeling like all my Christmases had come at once. I would get up super early on a Saturday morning, park myself in front of the television and play it for hours before everyone else woke up. At the moment, I love playing The Sims 3 and listening to podcasts. Who's excited for Sims 4?! 

6. Photoscape & Picmonkey - These are the two best photo editing tools, in my opinion. I've been using Photoscape for the longest time. You download it onto your computer, I much prefer that to online photo editing. However, everyone seemed to be kicking up a fuss about picmonkey so I decided to give it a go this week. I'm almost fully converted. 

7. Google - Pretty broad, I know. To be more specific, whenever I want to change something with my blog, move things around, add things, take them away, I google it. I created my blog header and the click-able links with the help of a youtube video that I found by googling what I wanted. Ever want to know something about blogging, google it. 

I am in Paris as you are reading this (yippee) so I will reply to any comments on blog posts when I am home on the 19th. I hope you all enjoyed Jaimie's post on Friday & Becca's on Saturday, I know I did! 
I'm wonderfully pleased with this post. It took me longer than most of the ones in this series, but I like it, so hopefully you did to. 


  1. Awesome list <3 I adore all of these things.
    Love Jasmine

    1. Glad you liked the post! I'm pretty happy about these things too :) x

  2. such a nice post! :) i definitely love most of these things <3

